Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. Ofsted inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Ofsted rating – Dee’s Day Nursery
The quality and standards of the early years provision
- Effectiveness of the leadership and management: Good
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Good
- Outcomes for children: Good
What OFSTED reported about Dees Day Nursery in Wimbledon.
“Children play in a safe, welcoming and engaging environment. Staff tailor the nursery rooms to the ages and stages of development of the children based in them. Staff provide enjoyable and exciting activities for children to choose from. All children make good progress in their learning.”
“The manager and staff effectively monitor the progress of individuals and groups of children. This helps them to act swiftly to close gaps in learning and ensure all children develop well across the areas of learning.”
“Staff have strong and effective partnerships with other professionals. They work well with outside agencies to obtain support for children, when needed.”
“Children are happy, content and show a good sense of security. Staff are good role models for children. They are kind and they support children’s emotional well-being effectively.”
“Staff work closely with parents and use effective methods to keep them up to date about their children’s progress. Parents have plenty of opportunities to get involved with their children’s learning at the nursery.”
Ofsted Report Information
Business Name: Dee’s Day Nursery (Wimbledon) Ltd
Description: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Date of registration: 12/07/2005
Register type: Early Years Register / Compulsory Childcare Register
Download Latest Report: Ofstead Early Years Register inspection report (PDF)
Ofsted Inspection
Ofsted inspect providers on the Early Years Register and the Childcare Register.
Ofsted’s specialist inspectors are experts in the type of service they inspect. When they carry out an inspection, be it of a children’s home, a nursery, a school, or a local authority, they focus on the quality of the service for individual children, young people or older learners.
During an inspection, inspectors collect first-hand evidence based on the practice they observe and what they learn from the people using the service. They use this evidence and other information available to make their professional judgements which Ofsted publish in inspection reports.