Creative Development
The curriculum in the Creative Development of children in the nursery encourages imaginative play and artistic expression through a variety of engaging activities. Painting, printing, sponging, cutting, sticking, collage, sewing, junk modelling, drawing, colouring, stencilling and tracing.
Communication, Language and Literacy
We use specially designed equipment that gives the children a threefold impression, seeing, feeling and hearing. We use letter land materials to introduce phonics. This is an important step in learning to read and write. An interest in books is encouraged to develop vocabulary and language skills. Introduction to alphabet is through letter land, sand paper letters (tactile) and educational games, together with work sheets for the older children.
Mathematical Development
Children are taught the basic concept of numbers and geometric shapes through specially design equipment and their corresponding symbols, number puzzles, games, toys, sand paper numbers and work sheets for those who are ready.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
We aim to give children an awareness of the world around them including different cultures and traditions. We nurture a feeling of love, respect and responsibility for each other and the natural world, during a time when children are sensitive to their environment.
Physical Development
Music and Movement. This includes instruments, songs and rhymes. Outdoor activity, such as sit and ride toys, slide, see-saw, tunnel, climbing frame, play-house and such like are available.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Imaginative play – ‘Lets pretend play’ is also an important part of the child’s social and emotional development. This includes home corner, role play and dressing up, all of which help to encourage children to take care of and respect themselves.